
Field Expedition Options 2023

John Huie, VVS Headmaster 1970-1974

Since the school’s inception, VVS实地考察项目是我们开展的最独特、最重要的项目. It affirms our basic values. Travel can be the most rewarding form of introspection, taking us not only outward, but inward as well. 教育可以是反思与行动、学习与经验、思想与情感的结合.
Many schools offer field expeditions, but none do it the way we do at VVS. From the school’s beginning, students have been exposed to the study of people and their creations, 并有额外的机会通过实地考察和沉浸来了解其他文化. 自1948年我们第一次实地考察以来,让学生走出他们的日常环境,参与到一种不同于他们自己的文化中一直是我们实地考察背后的指导力量. 去美国西南部的一些旅游路线之外的地方旅行是我们计划旅行时的指南. The outdoors play an extensive role in trip planning as well, with extended stops for rock climbing, kayaking, hiking and camping. 旅行的第三个重要组成部分是服务项目,每个学生都是其中不可或缺的一部分.


Field Trips - VVS Style!

List of 9 items.

  • Arizona Footprints: Heritage & Service 2023

    Beth Suby & Noah Suby 

    AZ Footprint seeks to enhance students' understanding of the biodiversity, culture, 它丰富了亚利桑那州南部的现代景观,同时注重VVS的环境管理原则, the value of physical labor, and service to others. 我们的旅程从在卡奇纳洞穴州立公园的一晚开始,在那里我们将参观一个原始的活洞穴系统.  从那里,我们将前往坐落在奇里卡华山脉的历史悠久的拉克营地,度过四个晚上.  While at Camp Rucker, 我们将与VVS明矾和尊敬的林务局考古学家一起完成历史保护项目, Chris Schrager.  We will then spend time in Bisbee (3 nights), Tucson (3 nights), and the surrounding areas visiting essential sites. These include: Whitewater Draw Wildlife Area, the Mexico/United States border wall, the Dragoon Mountains, the Bisbee Mine Tour, Coronado National Monument, Arizona Sonoran Desert Museum, Catalina State Park, Mission Gardens and Juan de Anza Trail. 

  • Borderlands 2023

    John Sheedy & Zane Dickey 

    这次旅行将向学生们介绍图森周边边境地区丰富的环境和文化, Bisbee and Agua Prieta, exploring multiple perspectives of the border.  The trip will base out of Tucson, 亚利桑那州和学生们将多次越过边境进入阿瓜普里塔和纳科, Sonora to participate in important cultural exchanges with schools, fair trade organizations, and art cooperatives. Students will also be involved in cross-cultural, sustainability, and service projects with organizations such as Sierra Club, and Rancho Feliz, a local NGO. 

  • Canyonlands 2023

    Chris Bolton & Lianne Lydum 

    这次探险从峡谷壁内探索了峡谷地丰富的生命, rather than the view from above. We will be bunking in cabins in Escalante, UT,这样我们就可以探索大楼梯/埃斯卡兰特国家纪念碑的惊人槽峡谷. We’ll hike Bryce Canyon National Park and Zion National Park. We’ll camp at Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park in Utah, which will be our headquarters for four nights. While there, we’ll take a crack at sandboarding down the pink sand dunes. 我们将在“最好的朋友动物保护区”做两天志愿者,这是世界上最大的禁止杀戮的动物保护区. 在前往李斯渡口之前,我们将徒步前往帕里亚荒野的鹿皮峡谷, AZ on the Colorado River for a 10-mile kayak trip. Adventure awaits!
  • Crossing the Rift 2023

    Caleb Kulfan & Jacob Jeffery

    A rebirth of a classic VVS field trip, 穿越大裂谷的目标是让学生对地方和服务的灵性有了基础. We’ll explore the Rio Grande Rift Valley in New Mexico and Colorado, 无论是自然景观还是精神暗流,它们都灌输给了居住在那里的人们. 在继续前往陶斯探索地球飞船和其他当地项目之前,我们将在里约查马峡谷中遥远的沙漠中的基督修道院停留. We’ll spend the second week in Crestone, Colorado, 参观各种宗教和精神机构,这些机构从该地区崎岖的山脉和广阔的山谷中获得灵感. Students will engage in daily yoga, meditation, and mindfulness practices that align with each communities’ traditions. 我们还将带来乐器和其他艺术工具,这样我们就可以产生我们自己的音景, poetry, art, etc. from our experience. 我们也许不是在攀登山峰,但我们每天都在攀登心灵的山峰.

  • Desert Dwellers 2023

    Andy Gill & Kate Stanley 

    大峡谷最好的背包旅行之一其实不在大峡谷国家公园.  One of the major tributaries of the Colorado River, 卡纳布溪是大峡谷北侧最大的支流峡谷系统. From its origin about 50 miles north in southern Utah, 卡纳布河在高原深处形成了一个垂直的峡谷网络. In the creek bottom are walls sculpted by wind and water into a maze of fins, knobs, and potholes, surrounded by riparian vegetation.  This trip explores the Kanab Creek Wilderness area, descending deep into Kanab Creek, navigating across open desert and rock-filled plateaus, and through narrow canyons. 这条具有挑战性的50多英里的行程将使宁静的结合成为可能, beauty, solitude and reflection.
  • Grand Canyon Backpacking 2023

    John Chorlton & Leigh Carter 

    学生们将带着一周徒步旅行所需的一切进入世界上最具标志性的景观之一, camping, eating and exploring the Grand Canyon. 这个小组将练习不留痕迹露营,同时以步行的速度学习峡谷的魔力. The days will be filled with challenging hikes from campsite to campsite, fun meals, comradery and profound accomplishment. 夜晚将在星空和峡谷长城的阴影下度过. This expedition is a VVS classic and sure to bring stories for a lifetime.

  • Costa Rica 2023

    Caroline Diehl & Lindsay Wellman
    不幸的是,由于持续的国内动乱,VVS上周不得不取消危地马拉FE.  In an effort to still be able to offer those students an immersive, mission-aligned, international FE in a Spanish speaking country, we decided to pivot to Costa Rica. 卡罗琳和林赛都有在哥斯达黎加带领旅行的个人和专业经验.  The new FE is focused less on service and more on environmental sustainability, although there still is a cultural immersion and service component.  在这一领域,我们将与哥斯达黎加勘探公司合作,总部设在图里阿尔巴.  We will teach art in a local elementary school, share a presentation about our community and life in AZ, paint murals on the walls of the village bus stop, play soccer and take dancing lessons with peers.   We will also spend 6 nights at a completely off-the-grid eco resort,, where we'll learn about the rainforest, agroecology, natural energy production, and organic gardening.  We'll also have opportunities to tend to the animals, do daily yoga, hike, swim and make chocolate, soap, and cheese.  然后,我们将探索别霍港周围的加勒比海岸,参观美洲虎救援中心和避难所,  and Cahuita National Park, 我们将以在帕夸雷河上的世界级白水漂流结束我们的旅行  
  • Solitude 2023

    Kaylyn Oates & Mike Spielman 

    This journey will explore the wilderness of Capitol Reef National Park. We will be backpacking through Upper and Lower Muley Twist Canyon. Midway through our journey, students will spend 48 hours of this experience on "solo", a time spent alone with the raw power of nature. Students will be self-reliant during this time, setting up camp, preparing meals and reflecting on their place in the Universe.
  • Wilderscapes 2023

    Todd Richardson & Kristen Tobin 

    Seeking to combine visual art with natural scenic beauty, wilderscape将探索新墨西哥州的野生空间,从圣达菲到吉拉荒野-美国第一个指定的荒野保护区. 我们将从圣菲开始,在那里,一个繁荣的艺术社区坐落在高高的沙漠山脉之间. 我们将在小径和城市街道上徒步探索风景,然后在世界著名的喵狼圣达菲停留. This exhibit is an artistic experience that cannot be easily described. 从那里,我们将向南旅行到吉拉,在那里我们将准备一个多日的背包旅行,将包括溪流, ponderosa forests, massive high desert meadows, unique rock formations, native cliff dwellings, and hot springs. 学生们将获得速写本和其他艺术制作用品,并可以在旅行的每一天徒步旅行,同时在实地创作艺术作品. 这些作品将展示维护这些野生空间的重要性,并将在我们回来后的野外探险博览会上展出.
Verde Valley School is an International Baccalaureate boarding and day high school for students in grades 9-12.